1. Calorimetry, 2. Child's Smock Apron, 3. Calorimetry #2, 4. Baby Surprise Jacket 2, 5. Petit Apron #2, 6. Ruby Doll, 7. Hoodie Baby Blanket, 8. Nursing Apron, 9. Nursing Apron #2, 10. Baby's Room Swatch Portraits, 11. Diamond Seed Baby Sweater, 12. Anastasia Socks, 13. Iron-on Fabric Patch Onesies, 14. Green Baby Socks, 15. Orange Marimekko Curtains, 16. Drawstring Bag, 17. Wonky Vinyl Lunch Bag, 18. P1020354, 19. Allsorts Advent Calendar, 20. Pony Hat
A handy flickr mosaic of my 2008 crafties. Not a ton, but not bad considering that whole motherhood thing. Unsurprisingly, a lot of baby gear.
And, happy holidays to all. Our camera died at about 1 p.m. on Christmas Day... Aaron promptly went online and bought a new one on a Boxing Day sale. Until it comes, things will probably be quiet around here, so happy, happy, happy new year.
Also, apologies for the very short post. So exhausted -- and not just from the holidays. I'm nursing a serious Wii Fit addiction. I'm determined to get those saddlebags off of my disturbingly rotund Mii.