Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year, Old Projects

Not much to post about today -- everyone in these parts is sick, sick, sick (except Ruby -- big knock on wood). The house party we were planning to go to last night was canceled at the last minute due to illness on the part of the hosts, which left Aaron and I kind of relieved (not that our friends were sick, but you know). So, we still let Ruby sleep over at my folks' house and we went out for a Moroccan dinner and a movie (Juno, which is funny and cute but waaaaay over-rated by my fellow critics. The dialogue is far to stifled and clever for it to be movie of the year). We were in bed by 11:30. Now Aaron is groaning on the couch over some kind of tummy bug and my throat is rapidly closing up. Great. But it's off to work for both of us tomorrow (I'm taking a writing contract to busy me pre-baby), so we better heal fast.

Like many of you bloggers, I've put together a little Flickr mosaic, rather than boring you with the details of my crafty year that was. I'm shocked by how many projects I actually finished, considering how pregnant I was for half of the year. Sadly, I'm not expecting as grand a grid next year, unless I decide to fill it with baby pictures.

1 comment:

sam lamb said...

Wow Elizabeth - that's a lot of stuff! And what is most impressive is how colourful it all is together. Being pregnant and productive? Totally awesome.

Hope you guys are feeling better soon!