Sunday, June 04, 2006

Stayin' Alive

Hey all. No pictures today, just a note to let you all know that I'm safe and sound in Calgary. The drama in my world is continuing on -- I won't bore you with the details, but the whole house sale/moving into my parents' basement/raising a child while the husband is in Europe for two weeks thing has been very trying. I went to my beautiful cousin's wedding today and violently threw up after dinner. For no reason. Gross, yes, but also an example of where I am right now.

As for knitting, I think those damn Pomatomous socks might be the death of me. I know I'm capable of knitting them, but my attention span isn't really fit for irregular charts. Stay tuned for my progress. Or lack thereof.


sam lamb said...

Hang in there Elizabeth - no sock (or move across the country) will ever bring you down!

carrie said...

oh gosh, so sorry to hear about all of the nonsense and craziness. hope it gets better soon!

CelticCastOn said...

*hugs* hope things get setttled for you soon!

Vicki said...

Hey Elizabeth
Sorry to hear it's been rough! Hope it gets better soon. Sid misses you guys.
Hugs to you and Roo,