Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sock Feet

I actually finished knitting these about a week ago, but with all this computer business, I didn't get around to posting. Viola! Les socks!

As I mentioned, I got this ball of Noro Silk Garden Sock for Christmas and, having never used it before, I wanted a pattern that called for this yarn specifically. So, I went for Glenna's So Simple Silk Garden Socks, which is available for free on Ravelry. I used a US 3 needle (a tiny bit bigger than the pattern called for) and they knit up really easy and really fast. As I've mentioned before, I find this yarn totally mesmerizing and I became quickly addicted to watching the colours change.

I'm very happy with the finished product. They remind me of a store-bought pair of "home-spun" Hue socks I have and love. They're totally fraternal and while I don't really love these kind of transitional colour patterns in general, I like these. Also, the yarn is a little too thick to wear under shoes, so I'll probably use them more as slippers than regular socks. Which is nice, because it's cold in this house sometimes, but I like to tread lightly so as to not wake up any wee nappers.

Finally, this marks my first attempt at cables. I've always been afraid of cables, which I now realize is ridiculous. They're so easy and fun. Try them if you haven't.


Anonymous said...

what fab socks! Makes me want to make some too.

Prunila said...

I really like the yarn, not sure about the fraternal. I'm more simetric , it depends of the brain, right? joking ;-DDD

TheAwakenedSoul said...

They came out beautifully! How are they holding up? I plan to use the same pattern for my Noro sock yarn.