Dear Ruby,
You are now five. Every year I like to write you an open letter around the time of your birthday, although this year I hardly feel like it because, lady, I am exhausted. At least in our world, five is the first year a kid has real friends. Friends who come to a fun birthday party. Yesterday we had a birthday party with eight of your friends and my darling, it nearly killed me. Though it was so lovely to see you sequestered with the girls in your room, dressing like princesses while the boys chased each other and pretended they were monsters.
So, five. Your changes are so much more subtle every year and I can see you growing into a very poised and charming girl. You have your quirks: you are stubborn and seem to possess the Finnish trait called Sisu -- but your stormy nature is usually overrun by your kindness, your sweetness and your zest for life. When you get excited, like when you talk about your trip to Disneyland, you are so full of words that you can barely contain yourself. You love playing with your friends and have become a natural leader at your school. The other kids seem to adore you and flock around you, wanting your attention.
But, as much as you love your friends, you love your family even more. Your little brother is, in your words, a pain in the butt, but you do your best to keep him happy and are genuinely kind and loving to him. And you give me the best hugs and kisses in the world. Boy, do I ever feel loved. And I hope more than anything that you feel the same from me. Because, my princess I love you more than you could ever imagine. Even more than you love the colour pink.
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